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John Wiley & Sons Publishers: Buy Books at John Wiley & Sons Online Bookstore - Textbooks, Technical Publications and more

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As a leading publisher for the scientific, technical, and medical (STM) communities worldwide, Wiley STM programs encompass journals, encyclopedias, and electronic products in subjects such as the life and medical sciences, chemistry, statistics and mathematics, electrical and electronics engineering, and select medical areas with an emphasis on cancer medicine. Through Wiley InterScience, academic and corporate customers are provided with online access to a broad range of STM content through licensing agreements. [ John Wiley & Sons website ]

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John Wiley & Sons also publish textbooks and other educational materials in print and online for undergraduate and graduate students and lifelong learners. John Wiley & Sons programs are targeted to the sciences, engineering, mathematics, and accounting, with growing positions in business, education, and modern languages. In Australia, John Wiley & Sons are a leading publisher for the secondary school market. [ John Wiley & Sons website ]

John Wiley & Sons Publishers: Buy Books at John Wiley & Sons Online Bookstore - Textbooks, Technical Publications and more

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