Crane's Stationery: Wedding Invitations, Fine Papers, Envelopes, Business Cards and Announcements
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Discover a whole new shopping experience and visit Crane's Stationery stores without even leaving home. You'll find the same Crane's quality and value as you'll find in any Crane's Stationery store - plus all the convenience of having your Crane's stationery delivered directly to your door. Shopping online at Crane's stationers is so easy!While you're sure to want to purchase stationery from Crane's when you visit the website, you'll likely want to browse a little, and discover more about Crane's. In fact, on the Crane's website, not only can you can find out all about the 200+ years history of Crane's, but you can also learn about the art of engraving, how Crane's Stationery is actually produced, together with interesting information about private watermarking (did you know, for example, that private watermarks have been traced back to 13th-century Italy). There is, of course, also lots more to discover at Crane's - but we'll let you discover that for yourself!Crane's Stationers: Wedding Invitations, Papers, Envelopes, Business Cards and Announcements …
Crane's Stationery is a family-owned company, doing business in the same location for over 200 years. And while huge amounts of paper today is the result of destroying forests, Crane's social and business papers are made from 100% recovered cotton fibers. These fibers are almost pure cellulose, as compared to those from trees, which are less than half. This means that cotton fibers require fewer chemicals and produce far less waste than papers made from trees. And, as you've no doubt already discovered, cotton fibers make the best paper in the world.
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